Everything needed to remodel your home all under one roof. North Wing, Kentucky Exposition Center, 937 Phillips Lane, noon to 7 p.m. Spring Product Showcase: A Home Garden & Remodeling Show. You may like: KET's 'The Farmer and the Foodie' returns to showcase the best of life, food in Kentucky Presented by Spalding University’s Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing, The Louisville Review and 21c Museum Hotel. Features six up-and-coming undergraduate writers that include: Ariana Alvarado (Bellarmine University), Aaron Bastian (Centre College), Avery Christopher Dietz (Centre College), Maddie Kopecki (Spalding University), Callie Rowland (Spalding University), and Roman Sauls (University of Louisville). Inside the exhibit, guests can also learn about and witness the lifecycle of the butterfly from caterpillar to chrysalid to butterfly. Butterfly and plant identification signs will help guests interpret what they are seeing. Visitors will be able to walk among hundreds of native butterflies in the 1,000-square-foot outdoor flight house located across from the bongo exhibit. Louisville Zoo’s Zoo’s Butterflies n’ Blooms Exhibit. Here's what you can do in the Louisville area this week: Top May 2022 events